iHRIS (pronounced “iris”) helps countries around the world to track and manage their health workforce data, arming decision-makers with the information they need to better plan and budget for their health sectors.
I worked on this project for five years while being in Intrahealth International
In 2010, IntraHealth partnered with the government of India to strengthen health workforce data in the states of Bihar and Jharkhand. We piloted a modified version of iHRIS in one district in each state.
Jharkhand’s customized iHRIS data now provide a comprehensive picture of the state’s public health workforce, including where each worker is posted, employment and training history, specialization, and projected retirement date.
Working closely with the Department of Health and Family Welfare and the State Health Mission, IntraHealth helped Jharkhand officials to develop data entry protocols and build staff capacity for data entry, data verification, data use, and software customization to meet the state’s needs.
5 Years
Design & Implementation
112 medical officers redeployed to community health centers designated as first referral unit
36 first referral units are now fully functioning, up from 18
450 new medical officers recruited (34% increase) and posted in high-vacancy districts
900,000 additional people can now access health services
I worked on this project for five years while being in Intrahealth International
This project had very different challenges. When we started with Bihar, the state did not even have all the required information about their health facilities. iHRIS helped these state managing their health worker data and health facility data.
This project was then further demonstrated to other states as well.
Currently India has a mandate in every state to have their own human resource system. India needs accurate data on its health workforce in order to improve the population’s access to care and move closer to universal health coverage. What skills and qualifications do the current health workers have? Where are they posted? Are they deployed to the areas of greatest need—and if so, are they being retained? And to recruit more health workers and deploy them strategically, India needs data on where vacancies exist and which cadres are in greatest demand. This information is vital for public health decision-making and planning.