
The Future of...

I write about design, technology, and business that would inspire the
future of our lives...

Your Entire Phone, One Interface

Imagine a phone with just one app, a single interface to access everything....

Making Immersive Experiences Accessible!

Why It Matters?

AI and Humans

Exploring the Intersection of Creativity and Experience

NFTs in Healthcare

Revolutionize Reach With a Vertical Growth Model...

IPFS and Web 3.0

In 10 years, what will happen to all the selfies..


How does Hyper-Reality in the Metaverse and its stimulus...

UX Design

Thoughts on design, inclusivity, women in technology and design...

Ubiquitous systems

How successful existing ubiquitous systems are...

Imaginations in Kids

A few lazy hours thinking - How does a 5 year old imagine today?...